Flesh, rock, lip, sea.
Vermillion Borders maps our emotional cartography. A vermillion border is the line around your lips separating skin and lip. What is outside of the line? What is contained inside the border?
Vermilion Borders is a conversation between Linda and I, where the singular creative processes and preoccupations of two experienced artists meet removing the line between them to create new lands, boundaries and borders.
The show is on at Alternating Current Art Space 18 JUNE-10 JULY 2021
Linda explores our relationship with the land through surreal landscapes, where my arts practice is based on ways of communication and complexity in life. Their practices use ink, watercolour and graphite on paper (both), digital and encaustic (me), and oils and text (Linda).
Vermillion Borders is a series of mixed media works unified by a limited colour palette of red, black and white and careful curation. The works were generated by one artist producing a starting point and sending it to the other to complete; creating a true integration of both artist’s practice. The stages were completed in isolation so that each cannot influence the other’s response to the original.
“A map tells you where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re going — in a sense it’s three tenses in one.”
Peter Greenaway